Supported aggregations

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The following aggregations are enabled. This list is ever expanding. Please submit a pull request if we're missing something obvious.

Standard aggregate functions

  • count
  • countIf
  • min
  • minIf
  • max
  • maxIf
  • sum
  • sumIf
  • avg
  • avgIf
  • any
  • anyIf
  • stddevPop
  • stddevPopIf
  • stddevSamp
  • stddevSampIf
  • varPop
  • varPopIf
  • varSamp
  • varSampIf
  • covarPop
  • covarPopIf
  • covarSamp
  • covarSampIf

ClickHouse-specific aggregate functions

  • anyHeavy
  • anyHeavyIf
  • anyLast
  • anyLastIf
  • argMin
  • argMinIf
  • argMax
  • argMaxIf
  • avgWeighted
  • avgWeightedIf
  • groupArray
  • groupUniqArray
  • groupArrayInsertAt
  • groupArrayInsertAtIf
  • groupArrayMovingAvg
  • groupArrayMovingAvgIf
  • groupArrayMovingSum
  • groupArrayMovingSumIf
  • groupBitAnd
  • groupBitAndIf
  • groupBitOr
  • groupBitOrIf
  • groupBitXor
  • groupBitXorIf
  • groupBitmap
  • groupBitmapIf
  • groupBitmapAnd
  • groupBitmapAndIf
  • groupBitmapOr
  • groupBitmapOrIf
  • groupBitmapXor
  • groupBitmapXorIf
  • sumWithOverflow
  • sumWithOverflowIf
  • deltaSum
  • deltaSumIf
  • deltaSumTimestamp
  • deltaSumTimestampIf
  • sumMap
  • sumMapIf
  • minMap
  • minMapIf
  • maxMap
  • maxMapIf
  • skewSamp
  • skewSampIf
  • skewPop
  • skewPopIf
  • kurtSamp
  • kurtSampIf
  • kurtPop
  • kurtPopIf
  • uniq
  • uniqIf
  • uniqExact
  • uniqExactIf
  • uniqHLL12
  • uniqHLL12If
  • uniqTheta
  • uniqThetaIf
  • simpleLinearRegression
  • simpleLinearRegressionIf
  • contingency
  • contingencyIf
  • cramersV
  • cramersVIf
  • cramersVBiasCorrected
  • cramersVBiasCorrectedIf
  • theilsU
  • theilsUIf
  • maxIntersections
  • maxIntersectionsIf
  • maxIntersectionsPosition
  • maxIntersectionsPositionIf


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Note: The PostHog toolbar is only available for the JavaScript web SDK . The toolbar is like "Inspect Element" for PostHog features and data. When enabled, the toolbar appears as an overlay on your product or website (it's not visible to your users). With it, you can interact with elements to create actions , visualize heatmaps, override feature flags, and more. How to launch the toolbar In your PostHog instance, go to ' Launch Toolbar ' in the left-hand menu Click 'Enable the PostHog…

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